Christmas Cookie Roudup

As I told you in my previous post, I just participated in The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. Here's a little bit more about it, from The Little Kitchen:

"We [had] over 570 food bloggers sign up and moved over 20,000 (TWENTY THOUSAND) cookies all around the world (forgive me while I catch my breath) – we raised over $2200 for a wonderful organization, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. With OXO’s generous matching, it brings it up to over $4400!!"

Holy crap and Merry Christmas! 

You can see all 570 cookie recipes here and here, but I thought I'd give you a little roundup of my own. These are my top eight favorite Christmas cookies:
(YES, I do want her book, "I love Tocana," for Christmas!)
(I'll eat anything that comes out of Alexandra's kitchen.)
(I seriously can't wait to make these.)
(I'm a sucker for any dessert with pretzels in it). 
(While you're on Caroline's site, be sure to check out some disgustingly cute pictures of her baby and her dog.)
(See? I'm not the only one who's obsessed with 5 spice powder!)
(Simply beautiful, aren't they?)
(Espresso + Fudgy + Walnut = sold!)


  1. Thanks so much, Hannah, for highlighting my cookies! I'll have to send you over a few next time I make them. xo

  2. Thanks for the shout out! Your blog is new to me, but, oh man! I love your pictures! It won't be my last time here! :)

  3. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I'm quite the fan of yours as well :)
