Update and Things to Come

Friends, did you think I forgot about you? Because I didn't! I've just been gallivanting around Europe. No biggie. Last week I was in Madrid and Barcelona. I got to go to a Calçotada, just like Anthony Bourdain.
Hopefully you'll be able to read more about that in print later, but let's not get our hopes up too soon.

I've also been doing some styling and product photography for Sweet Betweens. Yum.
Also, I think I'm the only person in the world that is absolutely thrilled about the time change. For me the time change means I can shoot after work because of the extended daylight. So time change=more posts! In the weeks to come I'll be sharing framboise cake, a dutch baby with whipped greek yogurt and browned honey, and how to cook the perfect steak. OH, and ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

But for now, let me just say: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


  1. Happy you are on an adventure and not gone from the BLOG world ! ! I cannnot wait for you to share you new recipes ! Have fun. Look forward to a post soon!

  2. What are y'all eating in that photo?!
